Major Arcana

The Fool – Air

The Fool – Air

The Fool presages the beginning of the individuation process. A step into the unknown from the safety and security of the family background.

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02 The Universe – Beth – Saturn

02 The Universe – Beth – Saturn

Divinatory meanings of 2 The Universe Manifestation of something – see the surrounding cards for clues. Emigration. The subject of the question. Place Everything has its place. When things become displaced, they no longer function as they should, or they take on the...

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03 Fortune – Gimel – Jupiter

03 Fortune – Gimel – Jupiter

In the Middle Ages Fortune represents the fickleness of life; the richest, most powerful person could find himself in the gutter, penniless and friendless in an instant. Today we see Jupiter in a more optimistic light – things will get better.

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04 The Tower – Daleth – Mars

04 The Tower – Daleth – Mars

The Tower is depicted as hit by lightning and crumbling to the ground. Daleth means a door, the means for entering or leaving a room or building. The Martian energy breaks down structures. In the process of individuation this is breaking down of the family bonds that hold us back from being ourself.

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09 Lust – Teth – Leo

09 Lust – Teth – Leo

Lust Divinatory meanings Creativity, magick, sex magick, love affairs Lust in the Elemental Positions Fire Position Previous actions influencing the present situation. Water Position Desire for creativity, art, love affairs, magic. Air Position Dryness, avoidance of...

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02 The Universe – Beth – Saturn

02 The Universe – Beth – Saturn

Divinatory meanings of 2 The Universe Manifestation of something – see the surrounding cards for clues. Emigration. The subject of the question. Place Everything has its place. When things become displaced, they no longer function as they should, or they take on the...

03 Fortune – Gimel – Jupiter

03 Fortune – Gimel – Jupiter

In the Middle Ages Fortune represents the fickleness of life; the richest, most powerful person could find himself in the gutter, penniless and friendless in an instant. Today we see Jupiter in a more optimistic light – things will get better.

04 The Tower – Daleth – Mars

04 The Tower – Daleth – Mars

The Tower is depicted as hit by lightning and crumbling to the ground. Daleth means a door, the means for entering or leaving a room or building. The Martian energy breaks down structures. In the process of individuation this is breaking down of the family bonds that hold us back from being ourself.

09 Lust – Teth – Leo

09 Lust – Teth – Leo

Lust Divinatory meanings Creativity, magick, sex magick, love affairs Lust in the Elemental Positions Fire Position Previous actions influencing the present situation. Water Position Desire for creativity, art, love affairs, magic. Air Position Dryness, avoidance of...