Divinatory meanings of the Hierophant
Stability, orthodoxy, the establishment, established religion.
The Hierophant in the elemental positions:
Fire Position
A situation relating to stability, the establishment etc that affects the client, known or unknown to her.
Water Position
Desire for marriage or stability.
Air Position
Avoidance of orthodox or stable situations. Need for rebellion.
Earth Position
Stability in the future.
The Hierophant and Astrology
Taurus – ShVR 506
The Hierophant in Hebrew letters
Vau is the 6th letter, associated with Taurus, a strong, reliable earthy sign. Vau means a nail, something that fixes things together. This is the second letter to be repeated:
- V – Vau
- V – Vau
Vau – 12 Permutations
- The Universe and Hermit
- Fortune and Lust
- The Tower and The Chariot
- The Emperor and the Lovers
The Hierophant in Liber 231
Also is the Star of the Flame exalted, bringing benediction to the universe.
The Hierophant in the Enochian Watchtowers
Water Watchtower
6 Dialiva: Astral travel, bilocation. Unmanifest love
Area: Asia Minor
Agrippa: Venus, Taurus
Air Watchtower
16 LEA
48 Sochial: Conversing with Higher Beings. Acuteness of intellect. Inspiration, teaching, organisation and discipline
Area: North Pole
Fire Watchtower
19 Opmacas: Solving problems. Occult research. Holy Guardian Angel. Uniting Above and Below
Area: West Sahara
Mars, Scorpio
Earth Watchtower
24 NIA
71 Chialps: The secret of physical strength. Endurance, work. Help from superiors
Country: Pakistan
Agrippa: Saturn, Capricorn
The Hierophant and Individuation
Archetypes of The Hierophant
The Alchemical Stage that this step represents is a Fixation state of the experiment. The stabilising or fixating of a volatile substance until it is no longer volatile and remains, permanent in the fire, to which it is gradually accustomed. This can happen through Calcination, Sublimation and Coagulation, or by adding a fixed sub- stance. This key, then, shows the stabilisation process through the dogma of religious ideals; the fixing of laws, ideals, society, beliefs etc., through its Taurean nature.