Capricorn & The Devil

Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac relating to The Devil in the Tarot. It is cardinal Earth, ruled by Saturn. Jupiter is fallen, and Mars is exalted.

The Hebrew letter associated is Ayin, the Eye, value 70.

Capricorn in the Minor Arcana

  • Two of Disks
  • Three of Disks
  • Four of Disks
Knight of Disks

Knight of Disks

Divinatory meanings of Knight of Disks A practical hard working man. A boss. Spiritual and Magical Powers of the Knight of Disks Spirits of the element of Earth Elemental and Astrological Attributes of the Knight of Disks Element Fire of Earth Zodiac Sign Capricorn I...

Pagan Book of Thoth

Pagan Book of Thoth

There seems to be a conspiracy between members of the various organisations created by Aleister Crowley and the Pagan Community to deny that Crowley had any interest in the Paganism. The truth, of course, lies somewhere in between. When I first studied the Book of...