
Mutable Signs

Major Arcana

The Mutable zodiac signs are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, corresponding to The Lovers, The Hermit, Temperance or Art, and The Moon

Minor Arcana

The Mutable Minor Arcana are

  • 8, 9 and 10 of Swords,
  • 8, 9 and 10 of Disks,
  • 8, 9 and 10 of Wands
  • 8, 9 and 10 of Cups.
Queen of Wands

Queen of Wands

Divinatory meanings of the Queen of Wands An idealistic, controlling woman. Magical and Spiritual Powers of the Queen of Wands Powers of metals and stones. I Ching Hexagram 17 Following Enochian Call The Seventeenth Key O thow third flame whose whose wyngs are thorns...

Queen of Cups

Queen of Cups

Divinatory Meanings of the Queen of Cups Placid, a fair woman Spiritual and Magical Powers of the Queen of Cups Powers of metal and Stones Astrological and Elemental Attributions Element Water of Water I Ching Hexagram 58 The Joyous, Lake Enochian Call The Fourth Key...

Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

Divinatory meanings of the Queen of Swords A widow Spiritual and Magical Powers of the Queen of Swords Powers of metals and stones Elemental and Astrological Attributions Element Water of Air Zodiac Sign Gemini I Ching Hexagram 28 Preponderance of the Great Enochian...

Queen of Disks

Queen of Disks

Divinatory meanings of Queen of Disks A practical hard working woman. Spiritual and Magical Powers of the Queen of Disks Powers of Metals and Stones Elemental and Astrological Attributes of the Queen of Disks Element Water of Earth Zodiac Sign Virgo I Ching Hexagram...

15 Art – Samekh Sagittarius

15 Art – Samekh Sagittarius

Divinatory Meanings of Art tarot card Alchemy, union of opposites. The Great Work Divinatory meanings of Art in the Elemental Positions Fire Position Spiritual transformation affecting the current situation Water Position Union of Opposites. desire for transcendence....

19 The Moon – Qoph – Pisces

19 The Moon – Qoph – Pisces

Divinatory Meanings of The Moon Divinatory Meanings of The Moon in the Elemental Positions Fire Position Water Position Air Position Earth Position The Moon in the Hebrew Alphabet Qoph has the value of 100, and is related to Pisces. Qoph means the back of the head Q –...