
Tarot reading – Brexit futures?

Tarot reading – Brexit futures?

The article below was written soon after the UK Referendum to leave the European Union. Re-reading it, we see the continuing blundering chaos and confusion is an accurate description of the process. The new Prime Minister Boris Johnson seems to be playing his own game...

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The Unknown in transference

The Unknown in transference

The ghayb or unknown has been part of my life ever since I started to study with Punditt Maharaj, and it continues with Pundit Joshi. The ghayb acts as a black box - things come out of it and you don't know why, how, where, or what happened. It's a mystery that is...

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Gurus and Karma

Gurus and Karma

Karma - what happens to it with your guru? There are so many gurus now, - New Age, spiritual, Wiccan, occult, and magical - everyone and their dog can set themselves up as a guru. There are obvious dangers for the students, who often have no idea about the competency...

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