Alchemy and the Tarot
While the focus in the Golden Dawn and Thelema is on ritual, Alchemy also played an important part. However, since the 17th century, along with traditional astrology, the Art of Alchemy lost its importance due to science, while Secret Society's grew in importance....
Paul’s Tarot Book Club #3: The Magus
The Magus is the subject of the 3rd Tarot Book Club. The Magus is in the Supernal Triangle from Kether to Binah, and he represents knowledge above the Abyss. He has a special place in Aleister Crowley's Book of Thoth. We will be discussing the Magus in the Book of...
Booklist for the Tarot Book Club
Here is a list of books that will be covered in the Book Club. As you can see they are Tarot and Magick related. Its not necessary to have them all - probably Book of Thoth is all that is required for now Preview in new tab(opens in a new...
Working with the Spirits using the Tarot
Following from the workshop on 4th October, this Workshop develops the theme of working with Spirits using the Thoth Tarot and the Opening of the Key Tarot Spread. Last week the live tarot reading showed a picture of powerful men abusing women. We also saw the spirits...
Online Thoth Tarot Workshop
I am excited to announce a free online Zoom Workshop on the reading the tarot professionally using the Book of Thoth and the Opening of the Key spread. The Workshop starts at 14.00 EDT on 21st June 2020 Join renowned Thoth Tarot expert and author, Paul Hughes-Barlow...
Tarot and Sexuality
Unveil the Secrets of Your Love Life with a Tarot Reading Sexuality is woven throughout the tarot deck, reflecting the complex and intimate aspects of our lives. Tarot readings are primarily for adults, as they delve into topics that often revolve around...
Kenneth Grant
I always like to push the boundaries of tarot - after all, tarot does cover everything! We recently started discussing the writings of Kenneth Grant! Who is he? He was secretary for Aleister Crowley and was present when the final choice for the images of the Thoth...