Tarot Cards

13 The Hanged Man – Mem – Water

13 The Hanged Man – Mem – Water

The Hanged Man Divinatory Meanings Sacrifice, loss. Suspension, waiting. Diving into the unconscious. Divinatory Meanings of the Hanged Man in the Elemental Positions Fire Position Unconscious effects influencing the current situation. Water Position Desire for...

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14 Death – Nun – Scorpio

14 Death – Nun – Scorpio

Divinatory Meanings of Death Death, transformation, sexuality. Divinatory Meanings of Death in the Elemental Positions Fire Position Effects of a death or transformation or sexual energies influencing the present. Water Position Desire or expectation of death,...

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15 Art – Samekh Sagittarius

15 Art – Samekh Sagittarius

Divinatory Meanings of Art tarot card Alchemy, union of opposites. The Great Work Divinatory meanings of Art in the Elemental Positions Fire Position Spiritual transformation affecting the current situation Water Position Union of Opposites. desire for transcendence....

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