
09 Lust – Teth – Leo

09 Lust – Teth – Leo

Lust Divinatory meanings Creativity, magick, sex magick, love affairs Lust in the Elemental Positions Fire Position Previous actions influencing the present situation. Water Position Desire for creativity, art, love affairs, magic. Air Position Dryness, avoidance of...

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11 The Sun – Kaph – Sun

11 The Sun – Kaph – Sun

The Sun Divinatory Meanings Success, riches, the family The Sun in the Elemental Positions Fire Position Events indicated by the Sun influencing the current situation, known or unknown to the client. Water Position Desire for success and happiness. Air Position...

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12 Justice – Lamed – Libra

12 Justice – Lamed – Libra

Justice Divinatory meanings Balance, legal matters, legal partnerships. Justice in the Elemental Positions Fire Position Matters concerning the law, legal partnerships, or balance/imbalance from the past, unknown or known, affecting the current situation. Water...

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