Pairing Tarot Cards

OOTK Example Annie Horniman Pairing

OOTK Example Annie Horniman Pairing

Pairing the Cards The last stage is pairing the cards in the Abbey Theatre Tarot tarot reading, starting from the extremities and working to the centre. Taking into account the Elemental Dignity rules: the Air cards are excessive in the Air position, therefore...

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OOTK Tarot Spread Stage 1 – Four Elements

OOTK Tarot Spread Stage 1 – Four Elements

The first stage of this tarot spread involves cutting the deck into four piles as shown below. These four piles represent the four elements and the four Qabalistic Worlds, Atziluth, Briah, Yetsirah and Assiah. Apart from the use of Elemental Dignities, Counting and...

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The Atbash Cipher: Re-ordering the Major Arcana

The Atbash Cipher: Re-ordering the Major Arcana

Encoded within the Atbash cipher is an elegant solution to the transpositions of Major Arcana carried out by both the Golden Dawn and Aleister Crowley. The Golden Dawn transposition of Justice and Strength is accepted almost without comment, and why there is...

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