
Baby Spirit – The Child

Baby Spirit – The Child

“It is a baby spirit…” “What sort of baby spirit…?” “Don’t worry, it will go…” This pain in my body. It was an ache that spread within my chest… then it moved, gradually but perceptibly, Punditt nodded and said, "baby spirit". The torment moved to my head. It was...

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Tarot and Sexuality

Tarot and Sexuality

Sexuality is all over the tarot. Lets face it, tarot readings are for adults. The main subjects in a reading revolve around relationships, money, work, and travel. Clients want to know about their love life in particular, and sometimes the questions are direct. Book a...

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Sexual Chemistry

Sexual Chemistry

Sexual chemistry: the two defining Tarot decks of the Twentieth Century designed by a man and a woman. In both cases, they  directed the Artists, who were Clairvoyants. Many people feel that the women have not been given the status and recognition they deserve,...

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The powers of Fortune, are very simple. An improvement of luck for the better – luck is either delayed or diminished when reversed. For most readings, this interpretation works very well, but there are hidden depths to this card that need to come to the surface. The...

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Comparing tarot decks

Comparing tarot decks

Comparing tarot decks is a favourite activity. On other blogs, writers compare Thoth tarot type decks with Aleister Crowley and Frieda  Harris's original Thoth Tarot. It is plain that the bloggers just don't get it - it's not their fault - blame the designers of...

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