
Seal of Secrets – Arbatel

Seal of Secrets – Arbatel

The Seal of Secrets is based upon the Hebrew word "Four" in Arbatel. You might think four is a reference to YHVH, which is mentioned several times in the text, but the Arbatel specifically states that four is Pythagorean, meaning the Tetraktys, upon which the four...

Arbatel Time

Arbatel Time

Time is the secret to understanding The Arbatel, and you need to read what it says, not what you want it to say. In my first post I made the point that there are no instructions for rituals, or invocations or evocations. The reason is that the Olympic Spirits are...

Studying the Arbatel

Studying the Arbatel

History and background of the Arbatel The Arbatel of Magick (Of the Magic of the Ancients) was published in 1575 in Basle Switzerland. The author is unknown. The Arbatel had a seminal influence on John Dee and his system of Enochian Magic. Dee would have read the...