Seal of Secrets – Arbatel

by Jul 31, 20170 comments

The Seal of Secrets is based upon the Hebrew word “Four” in Arbatel. You might think four is a reference to YHVH, which is mentioned several times in the text, but the Arbatel specifically states that four is Pythagorean, meaning the Tetraktys, upon which the four levels of Kabbalah and the ten sephiroth are based.

The Tetraktys triangle has four lines:

2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10

It is only in the last line of the Tetraktys that the four elements appear, and there is no indication of the order. Four is even, a feminine number, balanced and harmonious. The use of the Tetraktys indicates the power of full level of creation.

Despite having four in the title, there is no discussion of the four elements. The Seven Governors are neither bound nor defined by the elements, furthermore they have the alchemical power to move through any element, and transform one element to another.

The Introduction by translator Robert Turner defines four in terms of the readers who will gain most from the Arbatel:

… of Readers, of whom there be four sorts, as one observes: Spunges, which attract all without distinguishing; Hour-glasses, which receive, and pour out as fast; Bags, which retain onely the dregs of Spices, and let the Wine escape; and Sieves, which retain the best onely. Some there are of the last sort, and to them I present this Occult Philosophy, knowing that they may reap good thereby.

Turner has a sense of humour, but he makes an acute observation, and clearly he has magical expertise.

The Seal of Secrets

The Seal of Secrets defines Four, The Arbatel

Seal of Secrets
Seal of Secrets in The Arbatel of Magick

The Oriental [Eastern] secret is the study of all wisdom; The West, of strength; The South, of tillage; The North, of more rigid life.

These directions have a hierarchy:

So that the Eastern secrets are commended to be the best; the Meridian [Southern] to be mean; and the West and North to be lesser.

How do we find out the secrets?

The use of this seal of secrets is, that thereby thou maist know whence the Spirits or Angels are produced, which may teach the secrets delivered unto them from God. But they have names taken from their offices and powers, according to the gift which God hath severally distributed to every one of them.

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