19 – Five of Swords: Limited Thinking of future

by Mar 6, 20190 comments

Divinatory meanings of the Five of Swords


Magical Image of the 5 of Swords

In the first face of Aquarius ascendeth the form of a prudent man, and of a woman spinning; and the signification of these is in the thought and labour for gain, in poverty and baseness.

Mathers sees defeat in the description of Picatrix in the limited thinking processes.

Astrological attributions of Five of Swords

The First or Ascendant decan of Aquarius ruled by Saturn from January 20th-30th

72 Names ruling 5 of Swords

ANY 61

ChOM 118

Goetic Spirits of the Five of Swords


The 37th spirit is called Phoenix he his [is] a great Marquiz & appeareth like ye [form of the] Bird Phoenix having a Childs voice, he singeth many sweet notes before ye Exorcist, wch he must not regard, but by & by he must bidd him [to] put on a humane shape, Then he will speak Mervellously of all wounderfull siences; he his a good & excellent Poet, & will be willing to doe yr Request he hath hopes to returne to ye 7th Throne affter 1200 yeares more, as he said to Salomon, he governeth 20 Legions of spirits, his seal is Thus to be made, & worne &c.


The 38th spirit is called Halphas he is a great Earle and appeareth in ye forme of a stock dove, and speaketh wth a hoarse voyce; his office is to build up Towers & to furnish them wth ammunition and weapons, and to send men of warre to places appointed; he ruleth 26 Legions of spirits; his seal is Thus to be made, & worne as a Lamen &.

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