12 Justice – Lamed – Libra

by Jan 11, 20190 comments

Justice Divinatory meanings

Balance, legal matters, legal partnerships.

Justice in the Elemental Positions

Fire Position

Matters concerning the law, legal partnerships, or balance/imbalance from the past, unknown or known, affecting the current situation.

Water Position

Desire for serious relationships, justice.

Air Position

Avoidance of legal or serious relationships, justice.

Earth Position

Upcoming legal matters, serious relationship.

Justice and the Hebrew Alphabet

Lamed appears in Aleph, the first letter. Lamed means an ox-goad. Lamed relates to Libra, the airy sign of harmony and balance.

  • L – Libra
  • M – Water
  • D – Mars

LMD – 74

Connection, cover, protect. Clear away.

Permutations of LMD

The Tower, The Devil

Justice in Astrology

Libra, ruled by Venus.

Justice in Hebrew

MAZNYM, The Scales – 148

Netzach, Victory,

Justice in Liber 231

Also the lady Maat with her feather and her sword abode to judge the righteous.
For Fate was already established.

Powers of Justice in the Enochian Watchtowers

Water Watchtower


12 Pothnir: Fellowship. Gain from natural forces (agriculture) that takes time – this relates to harvest, usually in October and Libra. A woman satisfied

Country: India

Agrippa: Saturn, Capricorn

Air Watchtower

18 ZEN

54 Yalpamb: Wise counsel. Balanced thinking

Area: Jordan

Agrippa: Mars, Scorpio

Fire Watchtower


27 Doanzin: Influence public opinion, propaganda. Equilibrium, balance, Karmic law. Dance of Life

Area: Turkish Coast

Agrippa: Jupiter, Pisces

Earth Watchtower

26 DES

77 Nigrana: Works of Justice and Equilibrium. Lawsuits, treaties. Look before action

Countries: Spain and Portugal

Agrippa: Jupiter, Sagittarius

Justice in Individuation

Balancing the polarities.

Justice Archetypes



The Alchemical stage represented by the card Justice, is Cohobation. This is where a series of successive Distillations take place where the volatile substance is repeatedly poured back over the dried Matter and redistilled. This process loosens any fixed structure of the matter taking with it, during the Distillation, the soluble from the insoluble leaving the insoluble fixed. By this process many things become their opposite-sour becoming sweet, sharp becoming soft. The second stage within Cohobation is Imbibition. Mercury and sulphur are combined as a liquid and are joined very gradually to the body, the salts, where they are reabsorbed and retreat into the body. This washes the body with frequent lustrations until it is wholly coagulated within and unable to rise but remains fixed. When applied to this Key the scales are the balance, while the figure between the pillars is transmuting the process between the two opposite poles. A further glance at the chequered floor shows this from yet another perspective, the positive and negative in juxtaposition with each other.


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