Opening of the Key Tarot Spread

OOTK example – Annie Horniman

OOTK example – Annie Horniman

Abbey Theatre Tarot Reading for W.B. Yeats One of the most famous Tarot readings is by Annie Horniman for W.B. Yeats, head of the Golden Dawn, documented on October 9th, 1903. Annie Horniman used the Opening of the Key Spread to analyse the first stage of the Opening...

OOTK Tarot Spread Stage 5 – Tree of Life

OOTK Tarot Spread Stage 5 – Tree of Life

 Fifth Operation: Conclusion of the Matter The Tree of Life Spread is the final stage of the Opening of the Key Tarot spread, and gives the Tarot reader the opportunity to analyse the depth of the situation, and point to potential solutions. The deck is shuffled but...

OOTK Tarot Spread Stage 1 – Four Elements

OOTK Tarot Spread Stage 1 – Four Elements

The first stage of this tarot spread involves cutting the deck into four piles as shown below. These four piles represent the four elements and the four Qabalistic Worlds, Atziluth, Briah, Yetsirah and Assiah. Apart from the use of Elemental Dignities, Counting and...