Opening of the Key Tarot Spread

OOTK example Annie Horniman Deeper analysis

OOTK example Annie Horniman Deeper analysis

Deeper Analysis of the Abbey Theatre Reading The table below summarises an analysis of Annie Horniman's reading for the poet and leader of the Golden Dawn, W.B. Yeats. Annie Horniman was more or less following the rules of the Opening of the Key Spread, which meant...

OOTK Example Annie Horniman Pairing

OOTK Example Annie Horniman Pairing

Pairing the Cards The last stage is pairing the cards in the Abbey Theatre Tarot tarot reading, starting from the extremities and working to the centre. Taking into account the Elemental Dignity rules: the Air cards are excessive in the Air position, therefore...

OOTK example Annie Horniman Card Counting

OOTK example Annie Horniman Card Counting

Abbey Theatre Reading using the Opening of the Key Spread The counting technique creates a story when reading Tarot in a sequence using the Opening of the Key Spread. This video describes the method. The Counting Technique The method is to look at the tarot in groups...