OOTK Tarot Spread Stage 1 – Four Elements

OOTK Tarot Spread Stage 1 – Four Elements

The first stage of this tarot spread involves cutting the deck into four piles as shown below. These four piles represent the four elements and the four Qabalistic Worlds, Atziluth, Briah, Yetsirah and Assiah. Apart from the use of Elemental Dignities, Counting and...

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Opening of the Key Tarot Spread Introduction

Opening of the Key Tarot Spread Introduction

Introducing the Opening of The Key Spread The Opening of the Key Spread lies at the heart of the Golden Dawn system, and using Elemental Dignities really brings the whole system to life. This spread really is the greatest, the most powerful of all Tarot spreads. If...

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Staying in the question

Staying in the question

Reading the Tarot is about giving answers, isn’t it? People come with questions, spoken or unsaid, and once the deck is shuffled, cut and spread, all the answers come tumbling out. Very few readers would argue with that view of the Tarot, but it is no longer a stance...

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