Guardian Angels are more than just spirits who go with you throughout your life and record your actions. When you become aware of their presence in your life they become active and are able to help you in many ways.
For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways
Psalm 91:11
Guardian Angels are already helping you – you may think it providence or something that saved you from a disaster. They work to bring spiritual growth to your life. Guardian angels appear throughout the Bible, interceding between man and God.
Problems occur when the connection between you and your guardian angels is lost or misunderstood, or there is mis-communication. Many people resort to superstition or use magic for spiritual ends. This is the hard way to do anything in this area. There are even rituals to invoke your guardian angel!
A few hundred years ago the concept of the Holy Guardian Angel arose, which is linked to monotheism. Traditions state there are two guardians, not one. The problem is that religions often state that one of the angels is bad or demonic, and whose job it is to tempt or test the person – Satan for example. In fact, the two spirits are more like Brothers and are more akin to the Yin-Yang symbol from China than good/evil.
Finding your guardian angel is easier than you think, and I want to share with you some methods that I have been using on myself and teaching to my students.
Divination means “to make divine”, but these days it is more about finding a partner or love, or a new job etc – fortune-telling. Tarot tends to get debased as a result. Properly done, a Tarot reading allows the guardian angels of both the reader and the client to communicate directly.