
Geomancy: Earth Divination

Geomancy: Earth Divination

Geomancy, Science of the Sand The Golden Dawn introduced Geomancy as part of its syllabus, but in an almost bare bones manner, particularly for the divinatory meanings of each figure. The Golden Dawn compensated for the paucity of information by giving comprehensive...

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Goetia and Tarot and the Magus

Goetia and Tarot and the Magus

Goetic Cosmology and the Tarot The second vision clarified a number of points about the Tarot and cosmology. Clearly, the Goetia wanted me to continue this essay even though I had already submitted it to the Publisher. Fool and Universe While was writing The Tarot and...

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02 – Six of Wands: Higher Powers

02 – Six of Wands: Higher Powers

Divinatory meanings of the 6 of Wands Victory Magical Image of the Six of Wands In the second face of Leo  ascends an image with hands lifted up, and a man on whose head is a Crown; he has the appearance of an angry man, and one that threatens, having in his...

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