Ten of Disks: Transformation and Wealth

Divinatory Meanings of the Ten of Disks


Magical Image of the 10 of Disks

In the third face of Virgo ascends a white woman and deaf, or an old man leaning on a staff; the signification of this is to shew weakness, infirmity, loss of members, destruction of trees, and depopulation of lands.

A picture of desolation, destruction and loss.

Astrology of the 10 of Disks

The third or Cadent decan of Virgo is ruled by Mercury from September 13th-22nd

72 Names of Ten of Disks

LAV 37

HHO 80

Goetic Spirits of the Ten of Disks


The 11th spirit is a great & strong duke called Gusoin [Gusion], he appeareth like a Xenophilus he telleth of all things past, present & to come: he sheweth ye meaning of all questions you can ask, he reconcileth friends and giveth honour and dignity to any, and ruleth over 40 Legions of Spirits. his seal is this, wch weare as aforesaid &c.


The 12th spirit is Sitri, he is a great prince & appeareth at first with a Leopards face, and wings as a griffin. But afterwards at ye command of ye exorcist, he putteth on a humane shape very Beautifull, Inflaming Men with womens Love, and women with mens love, and causeth them to shew themselves Naked, if he [it] be desired, &c. he governeth 60 Legions of spirits, and his seal to be worne is this.