Tarot Cards

Abramelin and The Heart of the Master

Abramelin and The Heart of the Master

The Knowledge and Conversation with one's Holy Guardian Angel is relatively unambitious - I regularly say hi to neighbours as I walk down the street, but I have never had a conversation as such. Abramelin is probably the greatest influence on modern magical practice,...

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Number theory of tarot

Number theory of tarot

To develop a number theory of tarot, we have to strip out all the non-essentials to have a blank canvas. How far can we go with this, and how far are you ready to go? Tarot has a lot of baggage that is jettisoned before we can take Tarot to its fundamentals and really...

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Post Kabbalah Tarot

Post Kabbalah Tarot

The association of tarot to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life serves Masonic style organisations such as the Golden Dawn, which sets up various levels of Adeptship, starting at Malkuth, and working up to Ipsissimus at Kether. While this kind of thing is good for...

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