Tarot Cards

Understanding Court Cards

Understanding Court Cards

Understanding Court cards is perceived to be difficult by tarot students. Generally court cards represent one of these three aspects: A personAspects of a personalityAspects of a situation All of these can be either yourself or somebody else, just to make things a bit...

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Spider symbolism and Tarot

Spider symbolism and Tarot

Spider and tarot hold a deep secret. Tucked away around the edges, cobwebs appear on the Thoth Art Atu. There is nothing in Aleister Crowley's commentary on spiders or cobwebs, but there is a comment in Liber 777 on Column XXXVIII: The Spider is particularly sacred to...

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Golden Dawn origins of Aleister Crowley’s Fool

Golden Dawn origins of Aleister Crowley’s Fool

The Fool is unnumbered, therefore it can appear anywhere in the sequence. Some decks put the Fool last, after the Universe, but most place it before the Magus, 1. The Golden Dawn Cipher Manuscript is unambiguous on the subject: First cometh the Atu numbered 0, the O...

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