Elemental Dignities
Elemental Dignity Summary
The meaning of a single card will depend on what the reading is about, not necessarily what the standard divinatory is. The true secret of interpretation is that there have to be a minimum of two cards, using Elemental Dignities. Twins Twins have a relationship...
A New Theory of Elemental Dignities
The theoretical understanding of Elemental Dignities has been sadly lacking so far. That Elemental Dignities is by Adepts of the Golden Dawn is proven - we have documented readings by Annie Horniman for the Head of the Golden Dawn, W.B. Yeats, and we have various...
Elemental Dignity and Spirit
For those of you who are comfortable with using Elemental Dignities and feel the need to be stretched, here is one way the system can be developed. The truth is, there may well be five categories of Tarot not four. The Golden Dawn hints at such but does not give...