
Tarot, Gall’s Law and extreme programming

Tarot, Gall’s Law and extreme programming

What has Gall's Law to do with tarot? Tarot readers love complexity; tarot is a rich medium full of imagery, arcane concepts, mysticism, magic and philosophies in a smorgasbord of chicken soup. So what is Gall's law to do with it? Is there any problem with that? You...

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Tarot and strategy

Tarot and strategy

Tarot and strategy? Games of chance to decide the next move nevertheless require strategy to win. Remember playing Ludo as a child? Depending on the roll of a dice, which counter your move is critical to winning or losing. Monopoly is another classic example. I found...

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An alternative Magical Circle

An alternative Magical Circle

There are other magical circles... He stood tall in the circle facing east. He had lost track of time hours ago – the incense was working well. His temple was a locked basement room that had been specially consecrated by the Master of his Lodge. He had worked...

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