
Redefining the Tarot

Redefining the Tarot

What would tarot look like in a post Tree of Life Age? This is a question I ask myself a lot. There is a total unquestioning blind belief that the Tarot is wedded to  the Tree of Life (ToL), without any proof whatsoever. The pervasive,, and to me iniquitous...

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Psychic Police

Psychic Police

Police guidelines are changing to allow input from psychics, clairvoyants and witches to help solve murder and other cases where there is a lack of meaningful clues. It is an interesting conundrum. Is the psychic genuinely communicating with the dead or is she tapping...

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Psychic Protection

Psychic Protection

Psychic protection is a tricky subject - there are a lot of myths and fallacies about what does and what does not work. As ever, tools are only as a good as the skill of the worker. If you buy an amulet or charm, if you are lucky you have no idea if it is charged...

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Planetary Hours

Planetary Hours

The planetary hours of Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and Moon is an ancient system of astrology and magic lost to the West in the 16th century but still in use in Asia, and is incredibly powerful, if you know how to use it. At the heart is the relative...

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Ursa Major and the Fool

Ursa Major and the Fool

Any group of seven in occult work automatically connects to the seven planets, but apart from the Green Man, there are no astrological attributions to work with. Some clues are found in Madame Blavatsky's books, but a clearer explanation of the origins is in Darcy...

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