
Primordial Quintessences of Being

Thoth Tarot Workshop 16th August "Primordial Quintessences of Being" is a mysterious phrase found in the Book of Thoth by Aleister Crowley, and it relates somehow to the High Priestess. In out Tarot Workshops we follow the energy of the...

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Four: Exploring the Opening of the Key Spread

Four: Exploring the Opening of the Key Spread

Four in the Tarot Workshops The Opening of the Key Spread appears in its bare bones in The Book of Thoth without comment by Aleister Crowley. You might think that that is the end of it, but the Tarot Workshops have revealed a far greater complexity beyond the mere use...

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Thoth Tarot Workshop 7: Enochian Magick

Enochian Magick and the Thoth Tarot Enochian Magick is included in Aleister Crowley's Book of Thoth. While discussing sex magick in the O.T.O. 9th Degree and Chapter 36 The Star Sapphire of the Book of Lies in last week's Workshop we found...

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Sex Magick – The Thoth Tarot Workshop

Sex Magick and the Tarot Chapter 36 of The Book of Lies, "The Star Sapphire" catapulted Aleister Crowley to fame, as Secret Societies showered him with awards and gifts, including the O.T.O. This apparently innocent chapter contains the...

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Thoth Tarot Workshop 5 – Psychic Defence

As the Thoth Tarot Workshops have developed, we now have magicians, professional tarot readers, tarot students at all levels and therapists attending. Last week we discussed the Adjustment Tarot card, Book IV Magick by Aleister Crowley,...

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