
Prince of Wands

Prince of Wands

Divinatory meanings of the Prince of Wands Ambitious, bold younger man Magical and Spiritual powers of the Prince of Wands Medicine and healing I Ching Hexagram 42 Increase Enochian Call The Sixteenth Key O thow second flame, the howse of Iustice, which hast thy...

Prince of Cups

Prince of Cups

Divinatory meanings of the Prince of Cups Love interest. Spiritual and Magical Powers of the Prince of Cups Medicine and sickness Elemental and Astrological Attributions of the Prince of Cups Astrology Scorpio Element Air of Water I Ching Hexagram 61 Inner Truth...

Knight of Swords

Knight of Swords

Divinatory meanings of the Knight of Swords A lawyer, intelligent, articulate. Spiritual and Magical Powers of the Knight of Swords Knowledge and exploration of the Spirits of Air Elemental and Astrological attributions of the Knight of Swords Element Fire of Air...