Queen of Cups

Divinatory Meanings of the Queen of Cups

Placid, a fair woman

Spiritual and Magical Powers of the Queen of Cups

Powers of metal and Stones

Astrological and Elemental Attributions


Water of Water

I Ching Hexagram

58 The Joyous, Lake

Enochian Call

The Fourth Key

I haue set my fete in the sowth and haue loked abowt me, saying, are not the Thunders of encrease numbred 33 which raigne in the Second Angle? vnder whome I haue placed 9639 whome none hath yet numbred but one, in whome the second beginning of things are and wax strong, which allso successively are the number of time: and their powres are as the first 456. Arrise, you Sonns of pleasure, and viset the earth: for I am the Lord your God which is, and liueth. In the name of the Creator, Move and shew yourselues as pleasant deliuerers, That you may praise him amongst the sonnes of men.