Prince of Disks

Divinatory meanings of the Prince of Disks

A practical young man.

Spiritual and Magical Powers of the Prince of Disks

Healing, Medicine and sickness

Elemental and Astrological Attributions of the Prince of Disks


Air of Earth

Zodiac Sign


I Ching Hexagram

53 Gradual Progress

Enochian Call

The Thirteenth Key

O you swords of the Sowth which haue 42 eyes to styr vp the wrath of synn, making men drunken which are empty. Behold the promise of God and his powre which is called amongst you a Bitter Sting. Moue and shew your selues: open the Mysteryes of yor Creation: be frendly vnto me: for I am the servant of ye same yor God, the true wurshipper of the Highest.