Divinatory meanings of the Prince of Cups
Love interest.
Spiritual and Magical Powers of the Prince of Cups
Medicine and sickness
Elemental and Astrological Attributions of the Prince of Cups
Air of Water
I Ching Hexagram
61 Inner Truth
Enochian Call
The Tenth Key
The Thunders of Iudgment and Wrath are numbred and are haborowed in the North in the likenes of an oke, whose branches are Nests 22 of Lamentation and Weaping layd vp for the earth, which burn night and day: and vomit out the heds of scorpions and live sulphur myngled with poyson. These be the Thunders that 5678 tymes in ye 24th part of a moment rore [with a hundred mighty earthquakes and a thousand] tymes as many surges. which rest not neyther know any echoing* tyme here. One rock bringeth furth 1000, euen as the hart of man doth his thowghts. Wo, Wo, Wo, Wo, Wo, Wo, yea Wo be to the earth! For her iniquitie is, was and shalbe great! Come awaye: but not your noyses.