Knight of Disks

Divinatory meanings of Knight of Disks

A practical hard working man. A boss.

Spiritual and Magical Powers of the Knight of Disks

Spirits of the element of Earth

Elemental and Astrological Attributes of the Knight of Disks


Fire of Earth

Zodiac Sign


I Ching Hexagram

62 Preponderance of the Small

Enochian Call

The Fifteenth Key

O thow the governor of the first flame vnder whose wyngs are 6739 which weaue the earth wth drynes: which knowest the great name Righteousnes and the Seale of Honor. Moue and shew yor selues: open the Mysteries of yor Creation: be frendely vnto me: for I am the servant of the same your God, the true wurshipper of the High[e]st.