For years I have been hard at work de-constructing my knowledge of the Tarot, a process that will continue for a lot longer, I suspect – probably it will never end. In case you wondered, yes, there is more than enough to call for spending that length of time. In fact, in any spiritual discipline, the process of de-constructing (and reconstructing), is always ongoing. I will share the fruits of my labours over the next few months.
So, what have I been studying? Principally The Book of Thoth, a veritable cornucopia of knowledge, and to do it justice, I have de-constructed Crowley’s writings – which takes a lot of time and effort. One of my conclusions is that few people ever bother to read his writings properly! For example, there is a large body of work devoted to Eastern Mysticism, including Yoga, I Ching, and Buddhism – which is where I started my own spiritual journey. Despite Crowley’s notoriety, there is almost nothing demonic in his writings – trying reading the source, and not what others say, with an open mind. One of my ongoing conclusions is that nobody has done better than Crowley at integrating the spiritual and magical systems of East and West.
Tarot is far more than learning tarot spreads and divinatory meanings, so the deconstruction barely touched those aspects. In parallel to the intellectual knowledge, profound spiritual experiences continue.
One result is that I have had to re-assess my own writings on the esoteric aspects of the Tarot. Several years ago I acquired where I placed the esoterica. The focus of Supertarot is on the Opening of the Key Spread, Elemental Dignities, Card Counting, and the divinatory meanings, which are all fundamental techniques to the spiritual aspects of the Tarot, and is where I will be developing these ideas.
So, the first change is somewhat modest, but is very profound. In 2003 I had some spiritual experiences about a killed golden larva. Other writers on the tarot had also commented on the phenomena. However, recently the larva returned, and my knowledge has increased to the point where I knew that far from being malefic, it actually represents profound spiritual progress.