Six of Disks – A Key

Divinatory meanings of Six of Disks


Magical Image of the Six of Disks

In the second face of Taurus ascends a naked man, holding in his hand a key; it gives power, nobility, and dominion over people.

Picatrix shows that success is not limited to financial matters.

Astrological attributions of 6 of Disks

The second or Succedent decan of Taurus ruled by Moon from May 1st-10th

72 Names ruling 6 of Disks

NMM 130

YLL 50

Goetic Spirits of 6 of Disks


The 57 spirit is called Ose, he is a great president & appeareth like a Leopard at first, But after a little Time he putteth on ye shape of a man, his office is to make one cunning in ye Leberall [liberal] siences & to give True answares of devine & secreet Things, and to change a man in [to] any shape that ye Exorcist desireth so that he that is so changed will not thinck any other Thing but that he is that Creature or Thing, he is Changed into, he governeth 3 Legions of spirits, his seal is This, wch wear as a Lamin.


The 58th spirit is called [named] Amy, he is a great president, & appeareth at first in ye forme of a flaming fire, But after a while he putteth on ye shape of a man, &c: his office is to make one wounderous [wonderfully] knowing in Astrology & all ye Leberall [liberal] siences; he giveth good familiars & can bewray Treasures, wch are kept by spirits; he governeth 36 Legions of spirits, [&] his seal is This, wch wear as a Lamin &c.