Ten of Cups: Enjoying Life

Divinatory meanings of Ten of Cups


Magical Image of the 10 of Cups

In the third face of Pisces ascends a man naked, or a youth, and nigh him a beautiful maid, whose head is adorned with flowers, and it has his signification for rest, idleness, delight, fornication, and for embracing of women.

The notion of “Satiety” is found towards the end of the description, “rest, idleness, delight, fornication …,” he has had enough, he is full.

Astrological attributions of 10 of Cups

The third face of Pisces ruled by Mars rules from March 11th-20th

72 Names ruling 10 of Cups

OShL 400

MYH 55

Goetic Spirits of the Ten of Cups


The 47th spirit is called Vual. he is a great & mighty strong duke, he appeareth in ye forme of a mighty dromedary at first, but after a while he putteth on humane shape, and speaketh in ye Egyptian Tongue, but not perfectly; his office is to procure ye love of women, and to tell Things past, present and to come, and also to procure friendship betweene friends & foes, he was of the order of Potentates; he governeth 37 Legions of spirits; his seal is Thus to be made and worne as a Lamin before you &c.


The 48th spirit is called Haagenti, he is a great president appearing in the forme of a mighty Bull wth griffins wings at first, But afterwardes at ye command of the Exorcist, he putteth on humane shape &c his office is to make men wise and to Instruct them in divers Things & to Transmute all mettales into gold, & change wine into water, & water [107v] into wine; he commandeth 33 Legions of spirits; his seal is Thus made, & to be worne as a Lamin &c.