Magical Image of the Four of Swords
In the third face of Libra ascends a violent man holding a bow, and before him a naked man, and also another man holding bread in one hand, and a cup of wine in the other; the signification of these is to shew wicked lusts, singings, sports and gluttony. The interpretation of Picatrix is entirely at odds with the divinatory meanings. Perhaps the repose of the Four of Swords is merely a device to ignore goings on that appear as we enter Scorpio. Crowley suggests such a thing in The Book of Thoth.
Astrological attributions of the 4 of Swords
The third or Cadent decan of Libra is ruled by Jupiter from October 13th-22nd
72 Names ruling 4 of Swords
LAV 37
KLY 60
Goetic Spirits of the Four of Swords
The 17th spirit is called Botis a great president and an Earle; he appeareth at ye [first] shew in ye form of an ugly viper Then at ye command of ye Magician he putteth on humane shape, with great teeth, Two horns, carring a sharp bright sword in his hand, he telleth of all Things past and to come and reconcileth friends and foes, he governeth 60 Legions of spirits his seal is this, that he obeyeth when he seeth it.
The 18th spirit is called Bathin, he is a mighty [and] strong duke & appeareth like a strong man wth ye Taile of a serpent, sitting on a paile couloured horse he knoweth the vertue of hearbes & precious stones, & can transport men suddenly from one Country into an other, he ruleth over 30 Legions of spirits his seal is thus to be made and to be worne before you.