Taurus – The Hierophant

Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac associated with the Hierophant. It is fixed earth. Venus rules Taurus, the Moon is exalted,

The Hebrew letter associated with Taurus is Vau, value 6.

Taurus in the Minor Arcana

  • Five of Disks
  • Six of Disks
  • Seven of Disks
Prince of Disks

Prince of Disks

Divinatory meanings of the Prince of Disks A practical young man. Spiritual and Magical Powers of the Prince of Disks Healing, Medicine and sickness Elemental and Astrological Attributions of the Prince of Disks Element Air of Earth Zodiac Sign Taurus I Ching Hexagram...

Spider symbolism and Tarot

Spider symbolism and Tarot

Spider and tarot hold a deep secret. Tucked away around the edges, cobwebs appear on the Thoth Art Atu. There is nothing in Aleister Crowley's commentary on spiders or cobwebs, but there is a comment in Liber 777 on Column XXXVIII: The Spider is particularly sacred to...