Jupiter – Fortune

Jupiter is related to The Fortune tarot card and the fourth sephirah Chesed on the Tree of Life. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces.

The 3rd letter of the Hebrew alphabet Gimel relates to Jupiter.

Jupiter in the Minor Arcana

  • Six or Wands
  • Nine of Cups
  • Four of Swords
  • Eight of Swords
  • Two of Disks
The Chaldean Order in Tarot and Astrology

The Chaldean Order in Tarot and Astrology

Chaldean Order The Chaldean Order is the ancient and traditional way of ordering the seven planets according to their relative speeds as seen from Earth. The order is: SaturnJupiterMarsSunVenusMercuryMoon This is order is so ubiquitous in traditional astrology that...


The powers of Fortune, are very simple. An improvement of luck for the better – luck is either delayed or diminished when reversed. For most readings, this interpretation works very well, but there are hidden depths to this card that need to come to the surface. The...