Dialectic of Papus

by Aug 4, 20160 comments

The dialectic of Papus is explored in his The Tarot of the Bohemians, which is one of the most influential Tarot books to come out of France. AE Waite translated it from the French, and it is quite possible that Aleister Crowley was inspired to name his own deck ‘The Book of Thoth’, after the same title that appears several times in Papus’ book. Given the importance of this book, it is surprising the silence maintained by Waite and Crowley on the structure of Tarot that Papus uses. Modern Tarot students know that the tarot  can be modelled on either the Tree of Life or the astrological decanate system, but Papus models the entire 78 on the triplicity of Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis, where the product is developed in the final Heh of YHVH. The Princess of Pentacles is particularly important in the Book of Thoth, as She is ‘on the brink of transformation’, a key phrase that echoes a common thread running through Tarot of the Bohemians.

Papus used Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis to develop the divinatory meanings of the Minor arcana.

Minor Arcana
1 Commencement of Commencement Knight
2 Opposition
3 Equilibrium
4 Commencement of Opposition Queen
5 Opposition
6 Equilibrium
7 Commencement of Equilibrium Prince
8 Opposition
9 Equilibrium
10 Undetermined Ensuing cards will explain it Princess

The tables below show how Papus developed the Minor arcana in the interpretation.

1 Commencement of an Enterprise of Commencement Knight
2 Antagonism to the beginning of the Enterprise. The enterprise is commenced when an unexpected obstacle suddenly prevents its execution
3 Realization of the beginning  of the enterprise. The basis of the work is now definitely established, and the undertaking can be fearlessly continued.
4 Obstacles to the enterprise. Nothing can be accomplished without obstacles. We therefore find them appearing, and must prepare ourselves to overcome them. of Opposition Queen
5 Antagonism to the obstacles. Victory after surmounting them
6 Realization of the antagonism. At last the obstacles succeed. Failure of the enterprise in the midst of its execution.
7 Certain success of the enterprise. of Equilibrium Prince
8 Opposition to its success. The enterprise will only partially succeed
9 Realization of continued success.
10 Uncertainty in the management of the enterprise Ensuing card will clarify it Princess
1 Onset of a love affair of Commencement Knight
2 Antagonism to this Beginning. Unimportant obstacles raised by one of the lovers
3 Realization of this commencement. The love is mutual
4 Serious obstacles to the love. They arise from other persons. of Opposition Queen
5 Antagonism to the obstacles. Triumph over the obstacles after a struggle
6 The obstacles triumph. Love destroyed in the midst of happiness. Widowhood
7 Success assured to the lovers of Equilibrium Prince
8 Partial failure of love. Love only slightly succeeds
9 Motherhood
10 Uncertainty in the management of the love affair The card which follows will highlight it Princess
the Swords
1 Start of enmity of Commencement Knight
2 Antagonism to this Start . The abhorrence does not last
3 Realization of the enmity.
4 Antagonism to the hatred. Success against the enemy of Opposition Queen
5 Antagonism to this opposition. The enemy triumphs at the moment one fancies that the victory is secured
6 Equilibrium of the opposition. The enemy is rendered powerless at last
7 Success assured to the enemy of Equilibrium Prince
8 Some opposition to this success. The enemy only partially triumphs
9 Certain duration of the hatred
10 Indecision in the enemy The card after will explain it Princess
1 Start of fortune. Inheritance, gifts, economy, etc of Commencement Knight
2 Antagonism to this commencement. Difficulty in well establishing the first landmarks of good fortune
3 Realization of the commencement of fortune. A small sum
4 Defiance of fortune. Loss of finance of resistance Queen
5 Defiance to this antagonism. A success coming which will balance the loss
6 Realization of the resistance. Ruin
7 Success. A large fortune of Equilibrium Prince
8 Partial success. Losing money at the moment apparently of definitely securing the fortune
9 Equilibrium of Equilibrium. A durable fortune
10 Indecision in the fortune. Great success and great reverses The card which follows will clarify it Princess

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